ID: 23697
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Tighe O Donoghue - Cyclone - Prent Drukgesigneerd
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Tighe O Donoghue, *New York 15-04-1942Geboren in New York City in 1942, studeerde cum laude af aan de New Yorkse Universiteit.
Grafiek 1980 op stevig papier
Titel: Cyclone
Naar de originele aquatint ets
De signering is meegedrukt
In goede staat
Zonder lijst
Bladgrootte: 58,5 x 41 cm
Doe een goed bod en wij reageren nog dezelfde dag
Verzend- en verpakkingskosten voor koper: 8,50 euro
Zie ook onze andere kunst
O Donoghue is in numerous public and private collections, around the world, among them the Brooklyn Museum, New York, the National Collection of Fine Arts, Washington, DC, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. He is an American and an Irish citizen, living with his family in County Kerry for the past 20 years. He is unusual in being adept at numerous media, from painting to sculpture, etching/aquatint/mezzotint/engraving to watercolour. He has been creating digital images for a number of years now, and has reached a mastery of the medium in a way few other artists have attained.